I have been supporting thousands of off-line business owners since 1992, and in an online community since 2004. About a year ago many of my clients started asking me about how I have managed to survive online for as long as I have. Turns out that a lot of people want this internet lifestyle as well.
For us it's not just about finding the income on the web. It's about the business structures that allow you to move about without the government being able to get in the way. One of the biggest problems we small business owners face in our off-line businesses is red tape. Each year brings more rules. Each new set of rules wastes more hours, and costs more money.
As I get older a whole bunch of my clients are aging with me, and at the age of 52 retirement looms as an expensive problem. When faced with the 700 hours needed to build a R1000 per month pension the traditional way, a bunch of my clients have opted to use the Internet to supplement their pensions because finding that same R1000 per month is the work of only a few hours.*
The Internet is a vast new playing field. The normal rules of business don't apply. Where else can you start a venture from scratch, and within 17 days have it worth R2 million, generating R160 000 per month? Off an initial investment of 30 hours and R5000? (This is not the kind of result you can expect this year! It's taken me 8 years to learn how to do it. it won't take you that long because I'm going to show you all the mistakes I made en route.)*
Our role is simple: To teach you all that you need to know to build income streams which will follow you wherever you choose to live. (We have some ideas about great places, and how you can get passports to stay there. But that's an aside.)
When you join our community you get more than 500 people walking down the same path as you are. We have distilled everything that we know into a simple paint-by-numbers model that you can use to:
- find ideas that will generate income through the Internet;
- research those ideas before you spend any money to make sure that you're not wasting your time or effort;
- test your search results to ensure that you can attract sales;
- easily and cost-effectively create a range of products while you build a community of like-minded people who enjoy the value that you are adding to their lives and want to pay you for it.
As we work through each of these facets with you, we will do our best to make it as easy as we can for you to grasp these concepts and skills quickly. We have thousands of stories to share about what works, and why. We have many mistakes to share about what doesn't work, and why. And we can show you how to stay focused so that you do not get sidetracked by all the noise and hype and shouting online.
As part of the deal we will give you free hosting for your test sites and some of your production sites -- simply because it easier for us to support you when things go wrong. This is worth hundreds of Rands each month.
Our forum ensures that if you have any questions, you can find answers quickly. You can easily search for an answer to a problem you have, and if you don't find an answer, post the question -- and we will answer it within a few hours. In answering that question for you, we're also answering it for everybody else as well. That just makes good sense. So we do it quickly.
We know the problems that the South African Internet creates, and we show you how to work around them when it comes to building an Internet lifestyle. After all, we were on the same lilo a few years ago. Which reminds me, just because we happen to live in Norway and the UK, doesn't mean we wouldn't rather be on the beach in Durban! There is a long story there, which we are happy to share with anybody who's really interested.
I have spent the past 18 years working closely with South African small business owners struggling to survive in an increasingly hostile off-line environment. Seeing everybody else face the same challenges I had led me to spend a lot of time trying to build a global lifestyle that would follow me wherever I went. I want to share that with you.
So, to summarise, you will get:
- unlimited help working through a simple but powerful model to take you from zero to a online income within a few months;
- free hosting for most of your efforts;
- instant forum support for most of your questions, with a few hours lead time for questions being asked for the first time;
- in-depth training in all the tools we use to create our own incomes;
- hours and hours of in-depth video training and discussion to show you how the tools work, how the approaches work, and why;
- our team working 24/7 to help you get where we are as quickly as we can;
- offshore structures to help you resolve some of the legal issues South Africans face in the global space;
- a very deep understanding of the South African small business space and the challenges owners face;
- a weekly live webinar covering in-depth training at one of three levels -- basic, intermediate, and advanced;
- a weekly live webinar covering questions in a simple question and answer format where we field your questions in front of the entire group;
- a simple approach to adding value to your life -- which goes like this: if we are not adding value we should get out of the way;
- a simple agreement which says that you can leave at any time for any reason and we will refund you your most recent payment.
More than 500 people are already having fun in this group exploring intriguing Internet spaces.
Most folk think that the Internet is already overcrowded, and that few opportunities are left. That's not true. The Internet certainly is crowded with buyers, more than 1.7 billion people who have problems and are looking for answers. What the Internet really needs is you -- with some answers to some of those problems. And by adding that value, you will get paid well. We will help you find the problems that you can answer, and show you how to answer them profitably. Or you get your money back. It's simple.
Although the principles that we present and the tools that we discuss are universal, and can be used by anybody who understands English, we find that we resonate far better with South Africans -- no matter where they live. We understand who they are and why they do the strange things they do, so we don't get to offended when they do them here. (We're also hoping that as you make your first million online, you might find it in your heart to send us a case of Waterford Shiraz -- an addiction only a South African would understand.)
Within five minutes of joining you will have access to our forum and all of the videos we have recorded -- which you can download immediately. You will immediately receive invitations to the weekly webinars.
Peter Carruthers.
Warrior Central
*Earnings Disclaimer: USA FTC regulations require that we tell you that the results you get will be different than those that we get, and those in any testimonials we might share.
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